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KE Spotlight

  • Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2024

    Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2024

    The annual Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards recognise each Faculty’s outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organisations.  Results of the 2023 Faculty KE Awards are now available. 

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  • Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2023

    Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2023

    The annual Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards recognise each Faculty’s outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organisations.  Results of the 2023 Faculty KE Awards are now available. 

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  • KE Excellence Award, HKU Innovator Award and HKU Young Innovator Award 2022

    KE Excellence Award, HKU Innovator Award and HKU Young Innovator Award 2022

    The university-level KE Excellence Award was introduced in 2015-16 to recognise the significant impact that our academic staff had made to benefit society. The KE Excellence Award 2022 was awarded to Dr Guojun He of the HKU Business School.

    The HKU Innovator Award and the HKU Young Innovator Award were introduced in 2020-21 to recognise outstanding Faculty members whose innovations demonstrate exceptionally high potential impact (legacy or projected legacy) with transformative results to foster development. The HKU Innovator Award and the HKU Young Innovator Award were awarded to Professor Mingxin Huang of the Faculty of Engineering and Dr Shuofeng Yuan, of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine respectively.

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  • Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2022

    Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2022

    The annual Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards recognise each Faculty’s outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organisations. Results of the 2022 Faculty KE Awards are now available.

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  • "Cancer Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment"  Popular Science Education Lecture Series

    "Cancer Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment" Popular Science Education Lecture Series

    "Cancer Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment" is a series of popular science education lectures supported by the Knowledge Exchange Office of the University of Hong Kong and jointly organized by the Global Collaborative Oncology Group (GCOG) and the Department of Clinical Oncology of the University of Hong Kong to build a non-profit professional online consulting platform for cancer patients and their families.This series includes 13 sessions (one on overall global view, one on anticancer new technologies and 11 on specific kinds of cancers) from October 2021 to September 2022. Four sessions were held to achieve great success. Around 40 Professors and Doctors gave speeches and attended as expert panelists giving public consultations with 86000+ people joined.

    Please email for event enquires.  

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  • Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2021

    Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2021

    The annual Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards recognise each Faculty’s outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organisations.  Results of the 2021 Faculty KE Awards are now available. 

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  • Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2020

    Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2020

    The annual Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards recognise each Faculty’s outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organisations. Results of the 2020 Faculty KE Awards are now available.

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