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KE Office

Knowledge Exchange (KE), together with Teaching and Research, form the three pillars that underpin all the activities of HKU.

The Knowledge Exchange Office (KEO) supports the development of a long-term strategy for KE and research impact at the institutional level.

In promoting interdisciplinary collaboration encompasses all disciplines, KEO engages with Faculties, Government and diverse external stakeholders from different sectors, both locally and globally.  

KEO is poised to embark on new developments that will bring HKU’s KE to the next level. We are committed to strengthen our KE and research impact by driving new initiatives, implementing KE strategies, building stronger partnerships network, and enhancing greater impact to the society.

Acting Director of Knowledge Exchange Office | Professor Max Shen, Vice-President
and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Assistant Director of Knowledge Exchange Office /
Assistant Registrar
| Dr Tiffany Ying
Manager | Cheryl Chung
Manager | Gwen Sin
Manager | (Vacant)
Senior Executive Assistant | Henry Hui
Senior Executive Assistant | Jason Lai
Senior Project Assistant  | Calvin Yung

Contact KEO

View the latest KE annual report.