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KE Spotlight

  • Knowledge Exchange Awards 2013

    Knowledge Exchange Awards 2013

    The Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards were introduced in 2011 in order to recognize each Faculty's outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organizations. Results of the 2013 Faculty KE Awards are now available.

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  • KE in The Review 2012

    KE in The Review 2012

    The Review 2012 looks back at a fruitful year for knowledge exchange. "We are also starting to see a culmination of our knowledge exchange initiatives as more and more units in the University recognize the academic and social merits of engaging with the community in their teaching and research activities, as well as their possible role in and contribution to community engagement," says Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Vice-Chancellor and President.

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  • Learning the Secrets of Effective Knowledge Exchange

    Learning the Secrets of Effective Knowledge Exchange

    Training for young researchers has equipped them to convey their ideas to the public and get their innovations to market. 

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  • Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards 2012

    Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards 2012

    The Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards were introduced in 2011 in order to recognize each Faculty's outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organizations. Following the successful launch of the Faculty KE Awards, the KE Award (Non-Faculty Unit) has been introduced this year with the same objective for the independent centres, institutes and units of the University.

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  • Student KE Projects 2011/12 on Social Media

    Student KE Projects 2011/12 on Social Media

    Some student teams have shared the progress of their Student KE Project and their experience on social media.  Find them on Facebook or other social network websites.

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  • Success stories in KE presented by the eight UGC-funded institutions

    Success stories in KE presented by the eight UGC-funded institutions

    The eight UGC-funded institutions presented many success stories in knowledge exchange at the Knowledge Exchange Conference cum '3+3+4' Symposium on Knowledge Transfer held on December 5-6, 2011.

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  • Knowledge Exchange Conference cum ''3+3+4'' Symposium on Knowledge Transfer

    Knowledge Exchange Conference cum ''3+3+4'' Symposium on Knowledge Transfer

    Knowledge Exchange, or Knowledge Transfer, has formally been recognized by the University Grants Committee (UGC) and is described as the "third mission" of higher education. With support and sponsorship from UGC, HKU together with all the other UGC-funded institutions jointly organized the Knowledge Exchange Conference: Knowledge Transforming Society, which incorporated the ''3+3+4'' Symposium on Knowledge Transfer.

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