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KE Spotlight

  • Knowledge Exchange Awards 2013

    Knowledge Exchange Awards 2013

    The Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards were introduced in 2011 in order to recognize each Faculty's outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organizations. Results of the 2013 Faculty KE Awards are now available.

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  • HKU establishes the first legal information website for HK seniors

    HKU establishes the first legal information website for HK seniors

    The HKU Law and Technology Centre has developed the first bilingual legal information website for seniors in Hong Kong: the Senior CLIC website ( or This website, which is sponsored by the Home Affairs Bureau, provides information on 27 legal topics of concern to seniors.

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  • The HKU Faculty of Law launches the Human Rights Portal

    The HKU Faculty of Law launches the Human Rights Portal

    HKU's Faculty of Law has a long history of contributing to human rights knowledge both inside and outside Hong Kong. Its Centre for Comparative and Public Law has launched the Human Rights Portal, which serves as a virtual centre to capture and disseminate this knowledge, with articles, documents, videos, guides, manuals and links - in English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese.

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  • Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards 2012

    Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards 2012

    The Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Awards were introduced in 2011 in order to recognize each Faculty's outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organizations. Following the successful launch of the Faculty KE Awards, the KE Award (Non-Faculty Unit) has been introduced this year with the same objective for the independent centres, institutes and units of the University.

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  • HKU Law and Technology Centre launches legal information website for young people

    HKU Law and Technology Centre launches legal information website for young people

    The HKU Law and Technology Centre has launched the first legal information website for young people in HK. The Youth CLIC website is sponsored by the Home Affairs Bureau.

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  • Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2011

    Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2011

    Most faculties have introduced Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Award this year in order to recognize the faculty's outstanding KE accomplishment that has made demonstrable economic, social or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organizations.

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  • Free Legal Advice on HKU Campus

    Free Legal Advice on HKU Campus

    Our Faculty of Law has introduced, on a pilot basis, a Free Legal Advice Scheme on campus under the Duty Lawyer Service. It is both an educational and a public service scheme, with a view to contributing to the legal community's effort in bridging the legal services gap in Hong Kong and to nurturing the pro bono culture among our future lawyers.

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