Research Matters: Raising Profile, Enhancing Citation Scores, and Sparking Interest with the Media and General Public
- Date & Time:
March 23, 2016 (Wed) | 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
- Venue:
Room P6-03, Graduate House
- Speaker:
Dr Jason R. Ali
Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
Jason Ali has expounded quite a bit of energy thinking about matters related to academic research. In this seminar he'll discuss issues associated with raising one's research profile, enhancing citation scores (including the output types that tend to garner widespread attention), and how to generate publicity for those research studies that are of potential interest to the wider community, both in Hong Kong and beyond.
About the Speaker:
Jason Ali joined HKU in April 1997. He has ~120 fully refereed research outputs, and has published in the "Big Three" general scientific journals (Nature, Science and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [USA]). His works have received >4,300 citations, his H-Index being 35. He is a "HKU Top 1% Scholar". His work has featured on a number of high-profile websites including the BBC, Washington Post, The Times, The Guardian, etc. Nature journal has summarized three of his studies in Books & Arts and News & Views articles (Langenberg, 2005; Krause, 2010; Gillespie & Roderick, 2014). Two documentaries, one by the BBC, the other by Warner Bros and IMAX also draw upon his investigations (both related to his 2010 Madagascar Mammals' study). Eight of Dr Ali's publications are cited in nineteen Wikipedia articles (none were written or have been edited by him).