HKU at InnoCarnival 2013
The InnoCarnival 2013, organized by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) as a major event of the InnoTech Month 2013, was held from November 2-10, 2013 in the Hong Kong Science Park. The Technology Transfer Office co-ordinated the University's participation in the InnoCarnival 2013.
The three main themes of the InnoCarnival 2013 were Life Science, Green Technology, and Robotic Engineering. HKU showcased the following 6 projects from the Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Science at this large-scale event:
- Unconventional Batteries? Advanced Rechargeable Flow Batteries for Energy Storage /先進的可充電式液流儲能系統 (Professor KY Chan, Department of Chemistry)
- E-Guide for Visually Impaired Users /視障人士「去街易」(Professor David Cheung, Department of Computer Science)
- Advanced Robotics Initiative/高端機械人科研計劃 (Professor Norman Tien, Faculty of Engineering)
- iClass – A Total Solution for School Education (Dr Wilton Fok, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Stem Cells /幹細胞 (Dr QZ Lian, Department of Medicine)
- The Magic of Chinese Yam /神奇的山藥 (Dr Stephen Sze, School of Chinese Medicine)
The aforementioned project investigators and their teams used various exhibits, interactive demonstrations, specimens, videos and posters to demonstrate the application of their cutting-edge research and inventions to visitors. In addition, there were 2 computer games (one on living cell structure and the other on protein synthesis) developed by summer interns of Versitech. Visitors from all walks of life could gain hands-on experience of the convenience brought by these projects to everyday life and enjoy the fun. The HKU pavilion attracted a lot of visitors, from potential industry partners to school teachers and students as well as families.
According to the ITC, the InnoCarnival 2013 had a record-breaking number of over 230,000 visitors, indicating the growing interest of the public, particularly the young generation, in innovation and technology.