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Faculty KE Awards – Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business School)

2024 |

Professor Dragon Yongjun TangHKU Business School
The Effects of Green Bond Issuance and Mandatory ESG Disclosure around The World

2023 |

Professor Haipeng ShenDr Dan Yang and Dr Zhengli WangHKU Business School
Transforming Industries: Empowering Organizations through Big Data Analytics

2022 |

Dr Guojun HE, Faculty of Business and Economics
The Extraordinary Success of China’s War on Pollution

2021 |

Dr Bonnie Hayden CHENG, Faculty of Business and Economics
Corporate Wellness 2.0: Enhancing Workplace Wellness during COVID-19

2020 |

Dr Rujing MENG, Faculty of Business and Economics
Enhancing the ETF Investing Ecosystem in Hong Kong and Mainland China

2019 |

Dr Lilian Him Lai CHAN, Faculty of Business and Economics
The Impact of Clawback Research on Policy Making by The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the U.S.

2018 |

Mr David Lorin BISHOP,  Faculty of Business and Economics
Enhanced Employment Agency Enforcement: A Step Towards Eliminating One of Hong Kong’s Largest Black-market Industries

2017 | Mr David Lorin BISHOP,  Faculty of Business and Economics
Bringing Transparency to the Hong Kong Employment Agency Industry
2016 | Dr Michael Chiu Lung CHAU, School of Business
'Engaging Young People Online
2015 | Mr David Lorin BISHOP, School of Business
''Migrant Worker Advancement Project'
2014 | --
2013 | Dr Michael Chiu Lung CHAU, School of Business
'Data Analytics for Blood Donation and Transfusion in Hong Kong
2012 | Dr James P. VERE, School of Economics and Finance
'Social Mobility and Economic Policy in Hong Kong'
2011 | Asia Case Research Centre, Faculty of Business and Economics
'Development and Distribution of Business Case Studies on Asian Organizations'